Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022) *** Movie mogul Samuel Goldman reportedly once said, “If ya wanna send a message, use Western Union.” (1) But despite Samuel Goldman’s misgivings, many authors do set out to deliver a message in their work, sometimes to great effect. Certainly, Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is one of those […]Read More
Introducing Tesla Conversion Kits! Satire, February 21, 2020 *** With the price of gasoline tumbling like a lava down a volcano, maybe it’s time to rethink that elaborate electric vehicle you spent so much money on. As the chrona virus picks up steam, it doesn’t look like this is going to change […]Read More
Westworld and the Courage of Storytellers An Essay, December 29, 2019 *** “Have you ever questioned the nature of your own reality?” — Bernard Lowe (Jeffrey Wright) With the release of Season 3 of Westworld just a few months away, HBO has again promised to create a lavish, though probably slightly distasteful, experience for […]Read More
Blind Prejudice and the Naming of Sports Teams An Essay, March 12, 2019 *** DISCLAIMER: PLEASE BE ADVISED THE FOLLOWING ESSAY CONTAINS OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE AND IMAGERY. *** “A warrior kills only to protect his family, or to keep from becoming a slave. We believe not in death, but in life, and there is no object […]Read More
“Good people don’t go into government.” — Donald J. Trump *** Well, it seems our bipolar neighbours to the south are off their meds again. After enduring the trauma of the violent demise of Europe’s Golden Age at the end of World War 2, the world at the middle of the 20th Century looked […]Read More