Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022) *** Movie mogul Samuel Goldman reportedly once said, “If ya wanna send a message, use Western Union.” (1) But despite Samuel Goldman’s misgivings, many authors do set out to deliver a message in their work, sometimes to great effect. Certainly, Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is one of those […]Read More
*** August 1, 2020 HELLO EVERYONE! We would like to announce the long-delayed BOOK LAUNCH for SALVAGERS A Satirical Science Fiction Novel By John Glenn Burke “How rich would you be if you lost all your money?” Dax Goodman, the world’s last surviving Doctor of Theology, finds himself marooned on a frontier outpost far from […]Read More
Robert Pirsig and The Corrosive Effect of Dualism “Making… an art out of your technological life is the way to solve the problem of technology.” — Robert M. Pirsig, (Interview, NPR, 1974) *** Robert Pirsig died today. For those who do not know who Robert Pirsig was, it might be difficult to describe how […]Read More
*** Since its release in the mid-nineties, I had always intended to read ‘Infinite Jest’, the Seinfeldian(1) epic of biblical proportions by David Foster Wallace. With twenty years having passed since its publication, I have only just found the time and the mental capacity to absorb it, after three unsuccessful attempts. Written between 1993 and […]Read More